Who Is We?
Are you sitting there thinking to yourself, "wait, who are these people?"
Well, instead - you should be thinking, "who is this person?"
It's just me... just a fella.

"Okay, Fella. Tell Me About You!"
Who are you?
On the outside I'm Finn. On the inside I'm mainly confused.
Where are you based?
Australia! Sydney to be exact.
Why start Fortified?
I've always wanted to start a business of some kind - so here I am. Hopefully, this can become more.
Favourite animal?
To many to choose from. Penguins are up there, though.
"Tell Us About The Business!"
What is this place?
Fortified Clothing (also known as Fortified Designs) was founded in 2023 by Finn (me). It is a place for people of all walks of life to come and fill their wardrobe with whatever style they rock.
Currently, Fortified Clothing is focusing on graphic design clothing - but with your support we will be looking to expand into more fashion options!
So, you don't print yourself?
Fortified Clothing is a start-up business with only one person at the helm. The ship is being steered by the same person dealing with the engines.
Basically, no. At the moment, we are a print-on-demand clothing store with partners fulfilling orders for us. Which means we can get clothes to you from (almost) anywhere in the world!
In time, we plan to expand and do everything in-house - but due to the current nature of the business and Finn (me) being on his lonesome... no. We don't print ourself.
Does 'Fortified' have any meaning?
In the dictionary? Yes.
"Anything Else We Should Know?"
However, I really don't know what else to write on this page.
I'm still learning.
Honestly, I'm still trying to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together - so, if you do happen to see anything that isn't right or could do with a fixing-up - I'd appreciate an email!
We are trying to make a unique, fun, and easy shopping experience for you - so any feedback is welcome feedback!
If you already know about us...
I'm... concerned? What do you know? How do you know it? Who's your source? Is it my mum? How do you know my mum?
Anyway, here's a little guidance to get around.
Contact Us
Maybe you like to chit-the-chat. Perhaps there's a chance you didn't find the answer you were looking for.
You can swing over to our contact page and seek help. Not medical help - maybe go to the doctor if that's what you're after.
Shipping and Delivery
Okay, so, yes, we did cover some of what Shipping and Delivery is all about here... but there's more.
I think. I'm actually not too sure. If you're interested, though, feel free to check it out. I'm almost positive there is some useful information.
So, not sure how you ended up here if you're looking for the shop. The website opens on it, so, all you had to do was click on some stuff.
So, little bit of judgment from us but we'll guide you back to where you can give us money.